Categories for Inspiration


Why Annex

September 4, 2018

I am the Artistic Director of Annex Theatre, a democratic collective of volunteer theatre artists dedicated to creating bold new work in an environment of improbability, resourcefulness, and risk. For more than 32 years, Annex has iteratively produced some of the most avant-garde and challenging work with critical and cultural aplomb, as well as sustained a seemingly impossible production model that newcomers want to get involved in year after year. Thanks to former Artistic Director SJ Chiro, the Annex Company have an active role in choosing which stories we tell on our stages. Every year, anyone who has produced a show with us and is invested in the operations of theatre gathers to participate in choosing our production season. We choose our plays just like we make all of our decisions: through consensus. The consensus model is empowering, challenging, uplifting, tedious, and sometimes the only way to make decisions. Making... Read more