device mockup

Mind Your Time App

August 20, 2018 Mind Your Time is an app I designed for my User Interface & Experience Design (WEB 202) class in spring 2018 for my web design certificate at Seattle Central College. Everyone in the class was required to work on a final project of their choosing in order to make the most of the time allotted to developed our desired skills. Since one of the requirements was for the project to not have a client, I decided to design an app. At the end of the quarter, I combined the need for an app landing page with the final assignment for Content Management Systems (WEB 170), which was to create a portfolio site in WordPress. The result is a fully dedicated app site that includes a blog with posts about my inspiration, the app’s purpose, and persona research as well as photo mockups and screenshots from my design. Overall, designing an app was an incredibly rewarding experience. I spent a lot of time reading about best practices for app design and defining aspects of Mind Your Time in order to make it a potentially useful and unique product. The next time I design an app, I look forward to diving deeper into research of how and when users would interact with the product, knowing that there are several apps I have given up on because they were difficult to use or did not fulfill their intended purpose. Explore the Mind Your Time app  

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